easy-mac-emersonIt ain't easy being cheesy, folks! 🧀  Growing up, we made almost all of our Halloween costumes.  I took real pride in crafting something special and unique to run rampant through the neighborhood collecting pillow case after pillow case of candy like it was an Olympic sport.  I was going for the gold!

I've decided to continue the tradition with my kids and make all of their Halloween Costumes.

This particular costume is pretty interesting.  First off, Easy Mac is one of Emerson's favorite foods.  Secondly – I have had the most severe dairy allergy my ENTIRE life!  Like even making these things make me sneeze with just the particles of cheese in the air.  (Isn't this IRONIC that I was born and lived HALF of my young life in Wisconsin?!!  I think so!)

I tried to capture how I created this cheesy creation should you want to re-create this for your own lucky baby/child!  Here goes:


  • toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls
  • orange/yellow spray paint
  • hot glue gun
  • duct tape
  • scissors
  • paint – red, black & paint brushes (note:  I did not end up using stencils for this project and free-styled it, but if stencils make you more comfortable, go for it.)
  • Dollar-store laundry basket & spatula
  • poster board – white and blue
  • hat – I used an winter beanie that I already had for Emerson
  • foam board or cardboard


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I'd recommending removing the cute kid and doing the crafting during nap times.  HAHA!

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Because Emerson isn't walking yet, I had to make this costume a sitting-style costume.  I cut out the bottom of the laundry basket and also a portion of the front side so his legs could fit.  If you child is walking, I'd just cut the bottom.


Cut two sections of the blue poster board and wrap around basket.  You mostly want to cover the basket, so judge accordingly.  I ended up going on a slight angle to make this fit well.  All depends on the basket.


I ended up securing the blue poster board with a mix of duct tape and glue gun glue.  I cut a half circle piece of foam board (flip the laundry basket over and trace a circle, cut in half).  The foam piece is simply laying over the basket in the next pic and hasn't been glued yet.  Wait to glue.


Spray paint lots of toilet paper rolls or halved paper towel rolls yellow.  Also, spray one side of the half circle foam board.


I hot-glue gun'ed piece of the yellow "noodles" in different directions on the half-circle foam board.  I also glue'ed a piece on the "fork" and the hat.


I painted the Easy Mac cup label on the white poster board and hot glued it to the front of the cup.  Guess what, you are done!  Now let's hope and pray that you child won't mind wearing this costume!


The final product!


So someone wasn't a fan of the hat, so it didn't last too long. 🙂


We put Easy Mac Emerson in a wagon and pulled him around.

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We made it to two houses and called it quits as someone was ready to get out of the cup, haha.  But now we have our first successful Halloween Trick-or-Treat experience under our belt!

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We already have an idea in the works for next year!  Next year we will be running after Mr. E, I'm sure!

Happy Halloween!

